The pro-life party.…

“I love LA!”

It begins

Man, I am noticing some baseball players that appear to be cooked, done. Maybe their holes are showing a little bigger than before. Maybe they’ve slowed down a bit and just can’t hit current pitching. But none of them are as cooked as this clown.

To be fair, it was dinner time, but the Dodgers were on.

Just a daily Savannah

Me: Friday, hell yeah. Let’s relax.

Game 5: uh, may we have a word?

Two texts today from local Republicans asking me to split my ticket. I hope it costs them a fortune for the opportunity to receive a kindly “Fuck you” in response.

Someone lost a leg

Imagine believing this:…

One more try.…

How about now?…

Testing out some things:…

Goofing around in the back yard.

Shaking it off on the morning walk.

The bloom in Death Valley, March 2024

“The biggest threat to democracy is that people don’t want to be friends with Republicans anymore.” - Some dork on TV

For the entire month of September, we got by on a half tank of gas. That includes a roadtrip and daily commutes. The electric future is pretty great so far.

I just spent some time on LinkedIn because I heard it's the best social network. It's never been my jam, and based on today, it never will be my jam.

Maggie Smith ruled.